Transient Lodging Study
Motion M-23-247
The purpose of this study shall be to study the impacts and recommend updated regulations of Commercial Short Term Rentals and transient lodging uses, including but not limited to hotel/motel, timeshare, hostel, and bed and breakfasts.
This Transient Lodging Study will replace the Commercial Short Term Rental Study already being conducted pursuant to Motion No. M-23-120, though any public input and research related thereto may be incorporated into the Transient Lodging Study as may be appropriate.
The Transient Lodging Study shall address the following areas, some of which were outlined in Motion No. M-23-120:
- For CSTRS only:
- Limitation on number of CSTR units per building
- A ban on whole home or whole building CSTRs
- For all transient lodging uses, including CSTRs:
- Limitation on number of rooms and guests, by unit
- Other density limitations, which may vary by zoning district, zoning district classification, future land use designation or other such land use designation
- Number of permits allowed per owner and/or operator
- Requirement that each permit holder is a national person, not a juridical person
- Strengthened requirements, including density limitations and other standards, for transient lodging uses that 1) abut residential or mixed-use zoning districts, and/or 2) are located in a building that also houses long term residents, so as to mitigate quality of life impacts
- A requirement for transient lodging uses to be located on the same lot, parcel, or building as other commercial uses
- Possible use of transient lodging allowances to incentivize the development and/or preservation of affordable and/or workforce housing
- In buildings with units used for both long term and short term housing, requiring separate entrances to access short term dwelling units
- Requiring other standards for entry, including keypads
- Requiring on-site operators o Requiring a 24/7 staffed front-desk in a publicly accessible space
- Overall impact of CSTRs and other transient lodging uses on the availability of long term housing – affordable, workplace, and market-rate - and possible measures to mitigate such impacts, including but not limited to an overall cap on person or permits who may participate in the CSTR and other transient lodging markets, and increasing the price of a commercial short term rental owner and/or operator permits.
- Establishing and/or modifying use standards for transient lodging uses as may be necessary, including for hotel/motel.
- Closing loopholes that allow buildings operating as hotels, other transient lodging uses or long term residences to allocate 100 percents of units to CSTR use.
Motion M-23-247
Public Hearing Notice
The City Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on July 11, 2023, in the City Council Chambers (City Hall - 1E07) on the Transient Lodging Study. The public hearing will begin following the 1:30pm regular zoning meeting.
Preliminary Study Report
The preliminary study report was considered at the July 11, 2023, City Planning Commission hearing. This report introduced the study to the City Planning Commission for informational purposes only. No action was taken at this meeting.