Criminal Justice Data

Click here for the most recent weekly summary of the Orleans Parish jail population produced by the Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice Coordination. 

Click below to view our monthly jail population reports. 

To view the 2023 Annual Jail Population Report click here

The Criminal Justice Ecosystem

The Criminal Justice System is complex with many components and actors. At the center of the system is the defendant who has friends, family, and coworkers. Also deply impacted by the system are those that are survivors and victims of crimes.

As you view the following dashboards, please keep in mind the costs of incarceration and impact of decisions made within the criminal justice system on members of our community. 



The Criminal Justice System Process

Jail Admissions

After an incident is reported and an arrest is made, a New Orleans Police Department (NOPD) officer can bring the arrested individual to the Orleans Justice Center. Booking is the process of a person being admitted to the jail. 

Please note that the OCJC is working on additional dashboards to go live in 2024. If you have any suggestions for data visualizations, please contact Theresa McKinney at