Alcohol Distribution
Alcoholic Beverages Permit Processing Fee (required for applications) plus one of the following fees A, B, C, or D.
- Beer Sales
- Wine or Liquor Sales
- Beer, Wine, and Liquor Sales
- Free distribution of alcoholic beverages at picnics or other special events
no charge
no charge
Event Promoters
Occupational License Special Event, required for all applications, plus one of the following permits A, B, C, D, E, F, or G, and * Transient Vendor Class B, if applicable.
- All exhibitions, expositions, when admission is charged or donations solicited or accepted.
- Music for Entertainment where admission is or donations solicited or accepted, with gross sales of:
- $0-$10,000
- $10,001-$50,000
- greater than $50,001
- Music for Entertainment where no admission is charged, with gross sales of:
- $0-$10,000
- $10,001-$50,000
- Greater than $50,001
- Temporary Store Front in a Building (Transient Vendor Class A)
- Producer or Promoter of an event with sales of Merchandise free and open to the general public (Transient Vendor Class C)
- Sporting Event - Professional Sports
- Sporting Event where participants receive a share of gross receipts
(e.g. boxing match)
- Transient Vendor Class B (Sales of Merchandise in addition to Entertainment/Sporting Event)
Performance Bond for Sales Tax Payment with a minimum value of $10,000 is required to be submitted by the promoter when 3 or more vendors participating in an event.
Individual Trade Show Vendor Occupational License
Temporary Structures
Reviewing Stand on Private Property, additional fees apply if placed in the right-of-way
Concession Stand on private property, use permit - additional permit additional fees apply for sales of food, beverage, and alcohol.
Stage or Riser over 18” high, indoors or outdoors
Banner, Exterior Laser, Sky Tracker, Searchlight, Projected Light Signage
120 square foot or greater 1-10 tents
120 square foot or greater 11+ tents
Street Closures
Application Fee required for all street closures, plus one of the following fees A, B, or C, as well as NOPD Detail Services. (If Parking Meters are present, Meter Rental Fees also apply.)
- CBD, per block
- French Quarter or Canal St, per block
- Other Streets, per block
Meter Rental
Application Fee (required for all meter rentals)
- Meter Bagging Charge, per meter/pay station (required for all meter rentals) and either 1 or 2 below
- Downtown (includes CBD/French Quarter/Marigny), per space, per day
- Other Streets, per space, per day
Parades/Second Lines
Parade Permit required for all parades, plus Police Escort Fee
Minimum Escort Fee (note that fees may be higher depending on parade elements and length of the route visit for more information)
$384.97 (min.)
$384.97 (min.)