
Below is a list of the most recent reports published by the New Orleans Health Department, reflecting the current iteration of the Community Health Improvement process. Publications include assessment reports, plans for health improvement, progress reports, and necessary updates.

New Orleans Community Health Assessment, 2019 

NOHD is proud to release the 2019 New Orleans Community Health Assessment, which illustrates the  state of health in our city and serves as the foundation for identifying priority areas for health improvement. 

New Orleans Community Health Assessment, 2019


New Orleans Community Health Improvement Plan, 2022

The New Orleans Community Health Improvement Plan is the result of a long-term collaborative effort  of  Community Health Improvement Partnership. The CHIP will guide health improvement efforts from 2022 to 2025. 

New Orleans Community Health Improvement Plan 2022-2025


Community Health Improvement Plan Quarterly Reports 

Year 1 Quarter 1 Performance Report, October 2022 

Year 1 Quarter 2 Performance Report, January 2023

Year 1 Quarter 3 Performance Report, April 2023

Year 1 Quarter 4 Performance Report, July 2023