Ordinance No. 026316 establishes the Criminal Justice Council's authority to convene subcommittees and other study groups to conduct business on behalf of the Council.
In 2014, the Criminal Justice Information Sharing Subcommittee was created to study, identify, and pursue the benefits and address challenges of achieving fully integrated information sharing amongst all criminal justice agencies.
The Jail Population Management Subcommittee was created in 2015 to identify and implement strategies and policy recommendations that could permanently reduce Orleans Justice Center's (OJC) average daily population to be better accommodated in the facility.
Since 2014, the City of New Orleans and a robust group of cross-sector partners have been working to improve outcomes for formerly incarcerated persons in Orleans Parish. Established as the New Orleans Reentry Task Force of the Criminal Justice Council in 2017, the Reentry Task Force will continue to build its community capacity of stakeholders and use of best practices to truly reduce recidivism and improve the quality of life for justice-involved persons in Orleans Parish.
All Subcommittee meetings dates will be announced as scheduled. Meeting dates will be posted in the Meetings &Minutes tab as they are announced.
Subcommittee meetings are open to the public, and members of the public are invited and encouraged to attend. Any questions regarding these meetings should be forwarded, in writing, to the Office of Criminal Justice Coordination, Room # 8E08, 1300 Perdido St. New Orleans, LA 70112.
Criminal Justice Information Sharing Subcommittee
The Criminal Justice Information Sharing (CJIS) Subcommittee was formed in 2014 to enhance system processes by integrating technology to better enable informative communication between agencies. The subcommittee is composed of managers and technology staff from each criminal and juvenile justice agency and New Orleans Police and Justice Foundation. A fully integrated CJIS environment will provide criminal justice professionals the information they need at the time it is needed in the form it is needed. The CJIS Subcommittee coordinates information sharing through the Orleans Parish Criminal Justice Information Sharing Strategic Plan approved in 2014.
CJIS Subcommittee Agencies
City Attorney's Office |
Clerk of Court, Criminal District Court |
Criminal District Court |
Homeland Security |
Information Technology and Innovation |
Juvenile Court |
New Orleans Police Department |
New Orleans Police and Justice Foundation |
Municipal Court |
Office of Criminal Justice Coordination |
Orleans Parish District Attorney |
Orleans Parish Sheriff's Office |
Orleans Public Defender |
Probation and Parole |
Traffic Court |
Youth Study Center |
CJIS Governance Committee Structure
CJIS Governance Board
- One representative from Municipal Court, Criminal Court, Orleans Parish District Attorney, Public Defender, Clerk of Criminal Court, Sheriff, NOPD, Juvenile Court, Traffic Court, City Attorney, City's CIO, and Office of Criminal Justice Coordination
- Determines rules for justice information sharing / drafts information sharing MOU
- Prioritizes interagency justice information sharing projects
- Enforces data quality decisions within each member's respective agency
- Monitors work of CJIS Subcommittee
CJIS Subcommittee
- Comprised of managers and technology staff from each criminal and juvenile justice agency and NOPJF
- Identifies information and technology priorities/needs
- Identifies technology and business process solutions to improve integration/justice information sharing
- Develops justice information sharing strategic plan
- Addresses data quality issues / maintains interagency data dictionary
- Develops interagency information sharing data/technology standards
- Change Management
Jail Population Management Subcommittee
Mayor Mitch Landrieu created the Jail Population Management (JPM) Subcommittee in 2015 through the Criminal Justice Council. Chaired by the City’s Criminal Justice Comissioner, the JPM Subcommittee is composed of high-level designees within each criminal justice agency and three representatives from the Safety and Justice Challenge Community Advisory Group.
JPM Subcommittee Agencies
Chief Administrative Office |
City Attorney's Office |
City Council |
Clerk of Court, Criminal District Court |
Criminal District Court |
Magistrate Court |
Mayor's Office |
Municipal Court |
New Orleans Police Department |
Orleans Parish District Attorney |
Orleans Public Defender |
Parole and Probation |
Orleans Parish Sheriff's Office |
New Orleans Reentry Task Force
The New Orleans Reentry Task Force supports the vision of the Louisiana Prisoner Reentry Initiative, that every offender released back to the community will have access to the tools needed to successfully reintegrate into the community.