June 24, 2016
Media Contact: Virginia Miller | 504-453-4874
New Orleans Redevelopment Authority (NORA) Statement from the Board of Commissioners
We are delighted for the City of New Orleans that NORA’s Executive Director, Jeff Hebert, has been tapped to serve the City as Deputy Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer.
NORA has grown and improved in myriad ways under Jeff’s leadership. His vision has resulted in thousands of vacant properties being put into productive use, his innovative environmental approaches led to his being named Chief Resiliency Officer and allowed New Orleans to benefit from unprecedented outside investment, and countless home owners and businesses have benefited from programs under his direction such as Façade Renew and Commercial corridor revitalization.
We are gratified that Jeff and NORA will continue to work together as partners, much as was the case while he led NORA. We have a succession plan in place; Brenda Breaux, currently NORA’s Chief Operating Officer, will serve as the interim director upon Jeff’s departure, and the board will address long term leadership in the coming weeks. Thanks to Jeff and Brenda’s leadership there is a wealth of expertise at NORA to continue to the work of returning unproductive properties into viable, affordable residential and commercial properties, and to carry on the work of revitalizing neighborhoods and commercial corridors in New Orleans.
We wish Jeff the best as he takes his considerable talent to the next level on behalf of the City and its citizens.
The New Orleans Redevelopment Authority is a catalyst for the revitalization of the city, partnering in strategic developments that celebrate the city’s neighborhoods and honor its traditions.