The Civil Service Commission

City Civil Service is divided into two parts:

  • The Civil Service Department is a constitutionally created entity. The department is responsible for the overall administration of many of the personnel functions in City government. 
  • The Civil Service Commission, likewise a constitutionally created entity, is the policy-making body that exercises oversight of activities of the Civil Service Department. The five members of the Civil Service Commission are appointed by the New Orleans City Council to overlapping six-year terms. Four of the members are nominated by the Presidents of designated local universities and one member is a City employee nominated by fellow employees. The Commission is a quasi-judicial body with power to make rules which have the force and effect of law. In its judicial capacity, the Commission serves as the court of first instance for all employee appeals resulting from disciplinary actions. In its legislative capacity, it adopts rules and establishes policies that regulate the conduct of labor and management in the merit system.

Navigating Civil Service Commission Business

The Civil Service Commission conducts regular meetings and hearings on personnel matters, policy changes, and employee appeals. Access key resources below:

  • Commission Orders and Minute Entries
    • Search official decisions/outcomes on specific agenda docket items
    • Review summaries of Commission proceedings and votes
  • Upcoming Commission Meetings
    • Find next scheduled meeting dates and view planned agendas
    • Explore archive of past meeting minutes and adopted motions
    • Watch previous meetings and see Commission proceedings and votes
  • Civil Service Commission Rules
    • Understand formal regulations governing Commission authority and activities
  • Procedures for Commission Meetings
    • Learn protocols for introducing business and making public comments
    • Review requirements for submitting exhibits or materials
  • Commission Appeal Decisions
    • Look up rulings on employee appeals of disciplinary actions or eligibility
    • Track results of Commission votes and adopted orders

Civil Service Commissioners

Brittney Richardson,  Chairperson

Ms. Richardson was nominated by Tulane University.  She has been a member of the Commission since October 2018.

John H. Korn, Vice-Chairperson

Mr. Korn was nominated by Xavier University.  He has been a member of the Commission since March 2019.

Andrew Monteverde

Mr. Monteverde is the employee-nominated member of the Commission.  He has been a member of the Commission since September 2023.

Mark Surprenant

Mr. Surprenant was nominated by Loyola University. He has been a member of the Commission since October 2019.

Ruth White Davis

Ms. Davis was nominated by Dillard University.  She has been a member of the Commission since January 2021.

Equal Employment Opportunity

Equal Employment Opportunity is the law and the City of New Orleans does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, age, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, creed, culture, or ancestry.  Requests for accommodation or additional information should be directed to Doddie K. Smith, (504) 658-3500