Adult Live Performance Venue Study

On January 7, 2016, the City Council passed Motion M-16-22 which directed the City Planning Commission to conduct a public hearing and study on the use of Adult Live Performance Venues in the City of New Orleans. The study should consider the regulation of Adult Uses, specifically Adult Live Performance Venues, in the new Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance from a land-use perspective, in light of the governmental interest to address secondary effects of these uses on the surrounding community. The City Planning Commission should conduct and complete the study within 120 days of the passage of Motion M-16-22 and conduct a public hearing within 60 days of the passage of the motion.

On April 14, 2016, the City Council sponsors of Motion M-16-22 granted the City Planning Commission an additional 60 days to complete the Adult Live Performance Venue Study.  The additional time is needed to review materials, consult stakeholders, and refine recommendations.  The City Planning Commission expects to consider recommendations of the Study at its June 28, 2016 meeting.  The deadline for written comments is 5pm, June 20, 2016.

At its July 26, 2016 meeting, the City Planning Commission deferred consideration of the Adult Live Performance Venue Study to September 13, 2016. CPC staff requested the additional time to consider and address the concerns raised at the public hearing and with industry representatives.