Environmental Study & Hazardous Sites Inventory


On August 10, 2017, the City Council passed Motion M-17-440 that directed the City Planning Commission to conduct a public hearing and study to develop an Environmental Plan, to create an inventory of waste disposal, waste incineration, or other know sites where environmental toxins exceed federally mandate safety standards, to contemplate limiting certain types of developments/uses on contaminated sites to ensure that future uses will not negatively impact surrounding residents and citizens.  The City Planning Commission must conduct and complete the study within six months of the passage of Motion M-17-440 and conduct a public hearing within 90 days.

​Preliminary Report

The Environmental Study - Hazardous Sites Inventory preliminary report, maps, and public comments are linked below.  The City Planning Commission will consider recommendations of the study at its March 27, 2018, public hearing.  The public hearing will be held on the 8th floor of City Hall in the Homeland Security conference room.