In 2020, The Mayor of New Orleans requested The New Orleans City Planning Commission (CPC) and the Regional Transit Agency (RTA) to engage in a study to review and provide recommendations regarding tools and mechanisms to increase residents' access to transit and establish transit oriented communities policies for the City of New Orleans. The Mayor requested the CPC review and report on successful programs nationwide and consider incorporating housing opportunities, commercial uses, walkability, and accessibility measures.
Mayor's Letter to CPC requesting the TOC Study
Draft Study
Click here to read the draft Transient Oriented Communities Study and here to view public comments.
The TOC Study was presented at the October 10, 2023, City Planning Commission hearing where it was unanimously adopted. It was transmitted to the Mayor and City Council on October 23, 2023.
Community Engagement meeting
On Wednesday, April 14, 2021 from 5:30-6:30pm, the New Orleans City Planning Commission, the Regional Transit Authority, and the Mayor's Office of Transportation hosted a virtual community engagement meeting regarding Transit Oriented Communities generally, and the goals and framework for the study work.
What are transit oriented communities (TOC)?
Walkable neighborhoods that are connected to effective and convenient transit options and characterized by a mix of active uses, equitable housing options and economic security.
What are the goals of the New Orleans TOC plan?
- Cultivate Active, Vibrant, and Sustainable Communities through enhanced design standards.
- Encourage Transit Ridership by increasing safety, accessibility, and activity around transit stops and prioritizing right-of-way space for transit.
- Prioritize Equitable Development that preserves existing affordable units and incentivizes new affordable housing close to public transit and employment.
- Attract, Retain, and Grow Business Opportunities within Transit Oriented Communities and corridors.
- Allow Density & Mixed-Use Development that includes housing, retail, and offices within walking distance to transit stops.
- Promote Active Transportation Trips by ensuring land use regulations complement transportation infrastructure to make it easier to reach destinations by foot, bicycle, or on transit.
View this one pager on Transit Oriented Communities