The City Planning Commission adopted the recommendations of the Outdoor Live Entertainment Study at its January 26, 2021 public hearing. The final study was submitted to the City Council on February 1,2021. To view the final study, please select the link below:
Study Information
On January 16, 2020 the City Council adopted Motion M-20-5, which direct the City Planning Commission to hold a public hearing and conduct a study to clarify and standardize all references to Outdoor Live Entertainment, including but not limited to Outdoor Musical Accompaniment, Outdoor Amphitheater, live entertainment outdoors, and Outdoor Amusement Facility. In the course of the study, the CPC will analyze similarly situated cities’ regulations. In addition, the CPC will review New Orleans’ existing infrastructure – including permitted venues, zoning and overlay districts, temporary permitting structures, both citywide and by neighborhood, and study the City’s existing codes to prepare recommendations if any amendments to these codes are needed. This includes, but is not limited to: review the history of uses, interpretations, and applications of regulations related to outdoor live entertainment. The CPC will consider the addition and/or revision of definitions and use standards, revisions to permissible and prohibited zoning categories, updates to fee structures, possible remedies to illegal uses, enforcement mechanisms, and clarification on existing nonconforming uses. The CPC will analyze potential mitigation measures such as distance requirements that would promote responsible uses, minimize nuisances as well as foster strong relationships among residents, city agencies, and existing and potential venues. The CPC will address the vesting of land use rights issue, while ensuring that all regulations encourage and allow for full compliance, and promote opportunities for responsible parties who wish to engage in and benefit from the City’s cultural economy.