Vieux Carré Resources

Historic Preservation as Economic Development

View slideshow presentation presented by Director Bryan Block noting the economic benefits of historic presentation: Historic-Preservation-as-Economic-Development-original-unedited

Historic New Orleans Collection

  • To obtain additional information on specific properties, including building ratings, history, chains of title, and historic photographs, visit the Historic New Orleans Collection's Collins C. Diboll Vieux Carré Digital Survey

Vieux Carre Virtual Library

  • To view an interactive map of the French Quarter including building ratings and additional historic photographs, visit the Vieux Carre Virtual Library.

Vieux Carre Commission Foundation

Preservation Resource Center

  • To obtain additional information on historic preservation throughout New Orleans, including specific individuals and business that specialize in historic preservation, visit the Preservation Resource Center

National Trust for Historic Preservation

National Park Service

  • To view specific preservation techniques and guidance for preserving, rehabilitating, and restoring historic buildings visit the National Park Service's Preservation Briefs

Property Information