Master Plan Amendment Reconsideration Information
Change of Public Hearing Time for Master Plan Amendments Reconsideration
Due to an anticipated quorum issue, the City Planning Commission will move the public hearing and reconsideration of Master Plan amendments to the beginning of its agenda at 12:30pm, October 10, 2017. See full announcement, here.
Introduction and Future Land Use Map Reconsideration Report
Text Amendment Reconsideration Reports
Public Comments Received for September 12, 2017 Public Hearing
The file below is a collection of all written public comment received by 5pm September 5, 2017.
Master Plan Amendment Public Comments for 9.12.17 Public Hearing
Master Plan Amendment Reconsideration Motions
The City Council has adopted motions for the City Planning Commission to reconsider certain Master Plan text amendments and Future Land Use Map amendments. These motions specify which amendments are to be reconsidered.
M-17-411 (Text Amendments)
M-17-412 (FLUM Amendments)
Please note that the motions linked above contain references to page numbers that correspond with the page numbers in the ordinance attachments prepared for the City Council. These ordinances can be found below.
Cal. No. 31,917 - Attachment A
Cal. No. 31,918 - Attachment A
Public Hearings Scheduled for Master Plan Reconsideration
The City Planning Commission will hold public hearings concerning only the Master Plan amendments which have been referred by the City Council to the City Planning Commission for reconsideration and modification. Public hearings will take place according to the following schedule:
To receive public comments:
- 3pm, Tuesday, September 12, 2017 in the City Council Chamber, City Hall, 1300 Perdido Street, Room 1E07. The public hearing will take place after the CPC’s regular meeting which begins at 1:30pm, but in no case with the Master Plan amendments public hearing begin before 3pm.
To receive public comments and consider amendments:
- 3pm, Tuesday, October 10, 2017 in the City Council Chamber, City Hall, 1300 Perdido Street, Room 1E07. The public hearing will take place after the CPC’s regular meeting which begins at 1:30pm, but in no case with the Master Plan amendments public hearing begin before 3pm.
The deadline for submission of written comments is 5pm, Monday, October 2, 2017. Interested citizens are also encouraged to visit the CPC website or contact the office of the City Planning Commission for more information. The office of the City Planning Commission may be reached via telephone at (504) 658-7033, via email at, or via U.S. mail or in person at 1300 Perdido Street, 7th Floor, New Orleans, Louisiana, 70112.
Master Plan Amendment Staff Reports
Below are the final Staff Reports for all submitted Master Plan amendments. Reports have been updated to include the City Planning Commission's recommendations from the January 24 and February 7, 2017, public hearings.
For proposed Future Land Use Map amendments, public comments are divided by planning districts. For Text amendments, public comments are divided by chapter. Finally, comment cards received at the October public meetings are separated and in order by Future Land Use Map and Text comments.
Future Land Use Text Amendment Report
Future Land Use Map Amendment Reports
Future Land Use Map Public Meeting Comment Cards
Text Amendment Reports
Text Amendment Public Meeting Comments Cards
Adopted Future Land Use Designations
Master Plan Amendment Process
The Home Rule Charter, Section 5-404, requires a review of the Master Plan “at least once every five years, but not more than once per calendar year, and at any time in response to a disaster or other declared emergency, the Commission shall review the Master Plan and shall determine, after one or more public hearings whether the plan requires amendment or comprehensive revision. If amendment or comprehensive revision is required, the Commission shall prepare and recommend amendments or comprehensive revisions and readopt the plan.” The Charter requires at least one public meeting for each planning district affected by amendments as well as one formal public hearing.
On October 27, 2015, The City Planning Commission confirmed the need for amendments to the Master Plan. Though the Master Plan is designed to take New Orleans through the year 2030, it is heavily focused on recovery from the devastating effects of Hurricane Katrina and the subsequent failures of the levee systems. While disaster recovery was the immediate priority, the need to plan for the city’s long-term future is also necessary. Since the adoption of the Master Plan in 2010, the City has worked with numerous partners on initiatives recommending how New Orleans should adapt to a changing natural environment, create flexible and reliable systems, invest in economic development, and prepare the city for future disasters. These and other initiatives have been considered for incorporation into the Master Plan.
The following schedule is set for the 2016-2017 Master Plan amendments:
- Organization/Outreach (1/1/16 – 4/24/16)
- Open Application Period (4/25/16 – 8/31/16)
- Charter-mandated review and approval process (9/1/16 – 7/15/17)
Some additional information is provided below: